
The motorhome, a good idea to reduce your carbon footprint

Going on holiday in a motorhome is more ecofriendly than the traditional combination of plane, car rental and hotel.

This is shown by a study made by the consulting firm PKF, which compared the carbon emissions of traditional holidays (plane, rental car, hotel) and holidays in a motor home: for example, traditional holidays for a family of four between Minneapolis and Branson (USA) represent a total CO2 emission of 2.61 tonns, whereas the same trip in class B or C motorhome represents 1.35 tons, and in a class A motorhome 1.69 tons. The study was carried out on different types of situations, and different families, and in each case it showed a much more advantageous carbon footprint for motorhome users.

Similarly, another study carried out by Professor Paolo Fiamma of the University of Pisa shows that staying in a motorhome is more ecofriendly than staying in a hotel: for a 600km trip for 4 people for 15 days, CO2 emissions are less than 52% of a car trip, and adding the hotel, the emissions are 65% lower.

The motorhome, a vehicle adapted to ecofriendly holidays

The motorhome has a smaller surface area than a classic holiday rental, so the area to be heated and cleaned is reduced. The consumption of gas and cleaning products, which are harmful to the environment, is also reduced. Water consumption is also drastically reduced, because we tend to be much more careful with our consumption, and only use what we really need. To make it short, we are more, on a smaller surface, and we pay much more attention to what we consume!

Moreover, vehicles are constantly being improved to respect the environment: the majority of new vehicles are equipped with solar panels to recharge the motorhome's battery, as well as low-energy LED bulbs. Vehicles are also built with materials that are as resistant as ever, but increasingly lighter and with better aerodynamics, thus reducing fuel consumption.

Finally, the service areas provide motorhome users service stations and equipment that allow them to respect the environment: proper use of equipment and maintenance products does not jeopardize the environnement.

A few tips for an eco-responsible motorhome holiday

As a motorhome user, you are always in contact with the environment, so a motorhome driver has to defend environmental protection values. Here are some tips for this: 

  • Only settle on the pitches provided for this purpose.
  • Dispose of your waste water, empty your toilets in the places provided for this purpose.
  • Thanks to the dish kits provided in our vehicles, do not use disposable dishes.
  • Manage your waste, continue to recycle according to local standards
  • Consume local : leaving in a motorhome is an opportunity to help French tourism and local producers
  • Leave nature untouched, respect local wildlife
  • Limit campfires

In short, living in a motorhome allows a greater respect for the environment without losing its comfort, while maintaining a proximity with nature.

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